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RICHMOND Charles Lennox, Duke of - LS 1794 regarding troops in the Southern District
RICHTER Hans - ALS 1880 replying to a query about a pupil
RICHTER Hans - ALS 1900 sending thanks for a present
ROBERTS Lord Roberts of Kandahar - ALS 1905
ROBERTS Lord Roberts of Kandahar - TLS 1914
RODENBACH Georges - ALS 1891 thanks for a review of his poem
ROGERS Samuel - ALS sending an invitation to Joanna Baillie
SABATINI Rafael - ALS 1929 reluctantly accepting an invitation
SACHER-MASOCH Leopold von - ALS 1887 asking for tickets to a play
SAINT-SAENS Camille - Autograph Letter Signed 1880 promising a little work to a pianist
SARDOU Victorien - ALS producing a play with Bernhardt
SARGENT John Singer - ALS sending Miss Wagg her portrait
SEARLE Ronald - TLS 1967 to the cartoonist and illustrator Jean Effel
SHARPE Samuel - ALS 1843 from the Egyptologist praising a poet
SHAW George Bernard - ANS 1912 sending an article
SHELLEY Percy Bysshe - Autograph Cheque Signed, February 1818
SHERBROOKE John Coape - ALS 1808 giving news of the situation in the Mediterranean
SHREWSBURY Duke of - LS 1699 to Dr Charles Trimnell the King's Chaplain
SIMENON Georges - ALS giving friendly advice to a writer
SITWELL Sacheverell - ALS 1974 discussing a gala at the Royal Opera House